FAQ’s, or Frequently Asked Questions, regarding story content or related scripture, will be added to each story page as relevant questions are received.
If you have a question about a specific story or it’s related content, please Click Here to go to our “Contact Us” page and use the form to send us your question.
Thank You
00. In the Beginning
01. Conception of the Baptist
02. Conception of Jesus
03. Josephs vision
04. Mary visits Elizabeth
05. Birth of the Baptist
06. Birth of Jesus
07. Jesus circumcised and redeemed
08. Visit of the Magi
09. Home
10. Childhood of Jesus
11. Jesus learning in the temple
12. John begins his ministry
13. Jesus baptized
14. Temptation
15. The first disciples
16. Wedding at Cana
17. Nicodemus
18. Disciples baptize
19. Woman at the well
20. John_arrested
21. Heals centurions son
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
03. Josephs vision
04. Mary visits Elizabeth
05. Birth of the Baptist
06. Birth of Jesus
07. Jesus circumcised and redeemed
08. Visit of the Magi
09. Home
10. Childhood of Jesus
11. Jesus learning in the temple
12. John begins his ministry
13. Jesus baptized
14. Temptation
15. The first disciples
16. Wedding at Cana
17. Nicodemus
18. Disciples baptize
19. Woman at the well
20. John_arrested
21. Heals centurions son
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
05. Birth of the Baptist
06. Birth of Jesus
07. Jesus circumcised and redeemed
08. Visit of the Magi
09. Home
10. Childhood of Jesus
11. Jesus learning in the temple
12. John begins his ministry
13. Jesus baptized
14. Temptation
15. The first disciples
16. Wedding at Cana
17. Nicodemus
18. Disciples baptize
19. Woman at the well
20. John_arrested
21. Heals centurions son
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
06. Birth of Jesus
07. Jesus circumcised and redeemed
08. Visit of the Magi
09. Home
10. Childhood of Jesus
11. Jesus learning in the temple
12. John begins his ministry
13. Jesus baptized
14. Temptation
15. The first disciples
16. Wedding at Cana
17. Nicodemus
18. Disciples baptize
19. Woman at the well
20. John_arrested
21. Heals centurions son
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
08. Visit of the Magi
09. Home
10. Childhood of Jesus
11. Jesus learning in the temple
12. John begins his ministry
13. Jesus baptized
14. Temptation
15. The first disciples
16. Wedding at Cana
17. Nicodemus
18. Disciples baptize
19. Woman at the well
20. John_arrested
21. Heals centurions son
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
10. Childhood of Jesus
11. Jesus learning in the temple
12. John begins his ministry
13. Jesus baptized
14. Temptation
15. The first disciples
16. Wedding at Cana
17. Nicodemus
18. Disciples baptize
19. Woman at the well
20. John_arrested
21. Heals centurions son
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
12. John begins his ministry
13. Jesus baptized
14. Temptation
15. The first disciples
16. Wedding at Cana
17. Nicodemus
18. Disciples baptize
19. Woman at the well
20. John_arrested
21. Heals centurions son
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
14. Temptation
15. The first disciples
16. Wedding at Cana
17. Nicodemus
18. Disciples baptize
19. Woman at the well
20. John_arrested
21. Heals centurions son
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
16. Wedding at Cana
17. Nicodemus
18. Disciples baptize
19. Woman at the well
20. John_arrested
21. Heals centurions son
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
18. Disciples baptize
19. Woman at the well
20. John_arrested
21. Heals centurions son
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
20. John_arrested
21. Heals centurions son
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
22. Jesus calls disciples
23. A long day
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
24. Tour of Galilee
25. Heals a paralytic
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
26. Calls a tax collector
27. Festival of weeks
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
28. Jesus heals a lame man
29. The twelve
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
30. Great discourse
31. Raises widows son
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
32. Question from the Baptist
33. Jesus called Ruler of demons
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
34. Proof requested
35. Teaching from a boat
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
36. Still the storm
37. Cast out Legion
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
38. Healing power
39. Rejected at home
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
40. Sending out of the twelve
41. Death of the Baptist
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
42. Feeds the Jews
43. Walk on water
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
44. Bread
45. Heals_woman’s daughter
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
46. Feeds the Gentiles
47. Request for a sign
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
48. Jesus restores sight
49. Peters confession
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
50. Transfiguration
51. Authority in the kingdom
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
52. Ten lepers
53. Fire from heaven
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
54. Judean mission begins
55. Mary and Martha
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
56. Festival of booths
57. Woman caught in adultery
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
58._Judean mission continues
59. Heals blind man
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
60. Lazarus returned
61. Jesus blesses the children
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
62. Jesus leaves for Jerusalem
63. On the road to Jericho
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
64. Bartimaeus
65. Zaccheus
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
66. Jesus anointed
67. Jesus proclaimed king
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
68 Cleansing of the temple
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
69 Fig tree withered
70 Religious leaders confront Jesus
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
71 Jesus confronts religious leaders
72 Apocalypse
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
73 Preperation for Passover
74 Passover
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
75 Garden prayer
76 Jesus arrested
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
77 Annas questions Jesus
78. Caiaphas questions Jesus
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
79. Judas acts
80. First trial before Pilate
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
81. Antipas questions Jesus
82. Second trial before Pilate
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
83. Procession to crucifixion
84. Jesus crucified
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
85. Satan tempts Jesus
86. Darkness and death
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
87. Body placed in the tomb
88. Guard the tomb
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
89. Appearances at the empty tomb
90. Emmaus
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
91. First appearance to the Apostles
92. The Christ appears for Thomas
I notice that, in sections 92, 94, 95, and 96 on the website, you use the term “The Christ” instead of “Jesus.” Is there some significance to this?
Yes. In my opinion, Jesus refers to the man from Nazareth. The Christ refers to the annointed of God (the Messiah). They are not identical despite the modern tendency to make them out to be the same. DAB
93. Appearance in Galilee
94. The Christ departs in glory
I notice that, in sections 92, 94, 95, and 96 on the website, you use the term “The Christ” instead of “Jesus.” Is there some significance to this?
Yes. In my opinion, Jesus refers to the man from Nazareth. The Christ refers to the annointed of God (the Messiah). They are not identical despite the modern tendency to make them out to be the same. DAB
95. The Christ appears to Stephen
I notice that, in sections 92, 94, 95, and 96 on the website, you use the term “The Christ” instead of “Jesus.” Is there some significance to this?
Yes. In my opinion, Jesus refers to the man from Nazareth. The Christ refers to the annointed of God (the Messiah). They are not identical despite the modern tendency to make them out to be the same. DAB
96. The Christ appears to Saul
I notice that, in sections 92, 94, 95, and 96 on the website, you use the term “The Christ” instead of “Jesus.” Is there some significance to this?
Yes. In my opinion, Jesus refers to the man from Nazareth. The Christ refers to the annointed of God (the Messiah). They are not identical despite the modern tendency to make them out to be the same. DAB